Rittenhouse: A New Vision
Healing Communities Through Transformative Justice
Not currently running
PastRittenhouse maintains an ongoing monthly Circle for participants of the TJ-HR program to skill share, strategize, process, practice and sustain connection together. Community outreach & harm reduction workers interested in gaining Conflict Negotiation skill building or joining the monthly TJ-HR Peacekeeping Circle contact Coordinator Peter Martin. Agencies, Organizations and Community Health Centers seeking similar programming for your staff, outreach workers or community leaders are encouraged to contact us for more information
2016-2019: TJ-HR Rittenhouse partnered with Woodgreen, PARC, South-Riverdale CHC, Parkdale Queen West CHC and Toronto Community Housing (250 Davenport location) on an extensive research, training and implementation project. We worked with a 3 stage model, merging the ideas of Transformative Justice (TJ) & Harm Reduction (HR):1. An Arts-Based exploration of justice and injustice related to drug use and criminalization, implemented with people who use drugs either currently or in the past, and had been involved in the legal system. 2. A 12-week training involving people who use drugs and have been involved in the legal system, exploring models of transformative justice and harm reduction, with the aim of developing a community-driven model of conflict resolution to reduce the stigmatization and exclusion of people who use drugs.3. A 12-week pilot implementation, whereby trained facilitators work to engage in conflict situations, and reduce exclusionary measures which can lead to incarceration and isolation, in local community organizations as well as in the broader community. 2013-2019 TJ-HR Program Pilot: Rittenhouse partnered with several agencies and Community Health Centers (CHC) that work with people who use drugs and face high rates of incarceration, with the vision of reducing incarceration and building community-driven responses to injustice. |
Contact Us
Rittenhouse: A New Vision
6 Trinity Square Holy Trinity Radical Community Organizing Hub Toronto, Ontario, M5G 1B1 |
Our work would not be possible without the generous support of our funders and donors. Consider making a donation today to continue the legacy of Transformative Justice in our communities.