Rittenhouse: A New Vision
Healing Communities Through Transformative Justice
Healing communities through transformative justice
A New Vision
Our mission is informed by a commitment to Transformative Justice, based on the work of Rittenhouse: A New Vision (RaNV) founder Ruth Rittenhouse Morris. Transformative Justice is a perspective that emerged from Indigenous justice practices. It focuses on healing, rather than revenge, and considers questions of justice and injustice in relation to both interpersonal and social-structural issues.
Support Group: Healing Community Connection
Healing Community Connection. A bi-weekly online group for people with loved ones who are incarcerated.
Ruth Morris Archive
Explore Rittenhouse's research & publications relating to Prison Abolition & Transformative Justice education.
Contact Us
Rittenhouse: A New Vision
6 Trinity Square Holy Trinity Radical Community Organizing Hub Toronto, Ontario, M5G 1B1 |
Our work would not be possible without the generous support of our funders and donors. Consider making a donation today to continue the legacy of Transformative Justice in our communities.